Thanks and other inspirations

Thanks to:
... our friends at Hank Nunn Institute who have such oodles of creativity, criticality and relationality that makes me wish iwas young again.
...the inspiring people at Compassionate Mental Health who who do gatherings like nobody else
...all my co-conspirators on the current and past team at Growing Better Lives
...everybody else I have met at my other travels to therapeutic communities here and there
...the enabling environments team, with whom we have defined so much of what makes a place 'feel good'
....Joe Sempik for introducing me to Greencare
...but also Yolande H for getting me interested in it before it even existed as 'greencare'
...and the Reading 'Griffin Group' who were in at the beginning of it all..Digby T and his advice on geese
...then the health care working group at those wonderfully inspirational EU COST meetings
...not to forget Eric Allen with that beautiful turkey at Odyssey in Melbourne

...but as much as anybody, to my family at home for putting up with me while I was doing all this; and my 'family' at work, the group and TC members, who have had to do just the same at the same time as their therapy.

Thanks anticipated, but not yet due, to the NHS for allowing the creativity and healing potential of greencare to make excellent therapy programmes even better, and save NHS money in the process. Negotiations to be completed!

Inspiration overload :
- so I expect this list will grow and grow over time:

  • The Community of Communities, which has so often inspired me with the visits I have been on
  • Andy and the Arts
  • Paul Abel at Botton Camphill Village and all the villagers
  • The team from The Grange near Bristol, for their day with CofC
  • Samuel B Ross at Green Chimneys in upstate NY - who seems to have been up to it for 63 years!
  • Jo-Ann Fowler, Liz Ormerod, Jane Fossey, Amy and others from the SCAS course on animal-assisted interventions
The EU Conceptual Framework for Greencare
Our own little greencare organisation
The national care farming organisation
The client group we specialise in
Our service user partnership organisation
Wexham Nursery
Animal Assisted Interventions
Botton Village
The Grange
Odyssey House, Melbourne
The organisation that looks after UK TCs
The Community of Communities
Enabling Environments